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Venue Lighting Effects Club with dj and 2 couples dancing


Frequently asked questions

Yes, we offer phone support Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MST. For messages left after hours, you will receive a follow up call the next business day.

We can be reached at (855) 229-9665.

Check that the DMX cables are connected and wired correctly (pin 3 is ‘hot’; on some other DMX devices pin 2 may be ‘hot’). Also, check that all cables are connected to the right connectors; it does matter which way the inputs and outputs are connected.

Ensure your system is set to Stand Alone Mode and not Slave Mode by mistake.

Lighting fixtures in Master/Slave Mode are synchronized to work identically. Designated “slave” units will mimic the operation of the designated “master” unit. Units in Master/Slave Mode do not respond to DMX and operate independently of DMX controllers.

Venue warranties are handled via an exchange with your original retailer. We do not have a repair or service plan at this time.

For information on programming your Venue product with a third party DMX controller, please refer to your controller’s instruction manual.

The impedance of DMX control cables is different than that of XLR microphone cables. Substituting microphone cable into your lighting system may produce control signal errors and unstable operation. Please only use DMX cables for linking your lights.

Try restarting the unit to reset it.

It will depend on the unit, but typically the fuse is located near the power plug. If blown, replace with F1A, 250V.
DMX is digital communication language used to control stage lighting and effects.
Unfortunately, additional and/or replacement gobos are not available for our products.
Lighting fixtures in Sound Active Mode respond to sound and music by changing colors at random based on what the fixture hears.

Venue does not recommend configuring lighting systems with more than 50ft between devices. In the occasion where longer cable runs are necessary, use a DMX repeater to ensure proper signal fidelity.

Ensure that you are connecting your equipment to a 110V, 50 – 60Hz AC outlet.
Please refer to your product manual for a list of the DMX control functions of your fixture.

Ensure that the dipswitch settings are configured for the fixture to work in Master/Slave Mode. Disconnect the fixtures from any DMX controller. The fixtures will not function in Master/Slave Mode if they are connected for DMX operation. Check to ensure that your DMX cables connecting one unit to another are working properly.

The State of California has adopted what is referred to as “Proposition 65,” which is the “California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.” Any company that operates in California, sells products in California, or manufactures products that may be sold in or brought into California is subject to Proposition 65. Because our products are sold in California, Proposition 65 applies to us.

Proposition 65 requires warning labels on any product that may contain any of 770-plus elements that the California Environmental Protection Agency considers a carcinogen or a reproductive toxicant. These elements include lead (sometimes contained in the solder used to attach electronic parts to the printed circuit boards), brass, PVC and a multitude of other everyday elements. The list of elements changes often, making it difficult to keep track of the changing list of elements.
There are penalties for not complying with Proposition 65. Failure to label products may result in civil penalties. If a company’s product is sold or is purchased outside the State of California and brought into California, the company may still be found in violation.

Various trade organizations have issued notices to manufacturers warning of Proposition 65 and its implications. Included in the warnings were suggested methods of protection from Proposition 65 litigation and violations. Protection requires warning consumers about the possibility of dangers from products. A warning label such as the one we use is considered to comply with warning consumers.

We are providing warnings in an excess of caution and they should not be taken as an admission that a warning is required. The label does not necessarily indicate our products will cause you to contract cancer or reproductive harm if used as designed.

For more information about Proposition 65 visit the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and for a list of elements listed under Proposition 65 visit:

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